For Patients and Caregivers What is Riabni®?

RIABNI® is a prescription medicine used to treat:1

  • Adults with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL): Alone or with other chemotherapy medicines
  • Adults with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL): With the chemotherapy medicines fludarabine and cyclophosphamide

RIABNI® is a biosimilar medicine1

RIABNI® is a biosimilar of the biologic medicine Rituxan® (rituximab).

RIABNI® was carefully made and thoroughly tested2

RIABNI® is FDA approved as a biosimilar to Rituxan® because it:

  • Is similarly effective
  • Has the same potential side effects
RIABNI (rituximab-arrx) Injection 100mg/vial & 500mg/vial

RIABNI® is made by Amgen, a world leader in biologic MEDICINES WITH 40 YEARS of experience

How RIABNI® works3

Some lymphomas arise when B cells in your body grow unchecked. RIABNI® helps your immune system recognize and destroy these B cells. It’s often called a B-cell–targeted therapy.

on B cell

How does rituximab
B cells have a protein called CD20 on their surface

RIABNI® can also harm healthy cells in your body.


How does rituximab
RIABNI® attaches to a CD20 marker on the B cell with cancer and some healthy blood cells

Destroyed B-cell

How does rituximab
RIABNI® kills B cells and also tells the immune system to HELP FIGHT them

RIABNI® can also harm healthy cells in your body.

FDA = Food and Drug Admistration.